Flying Geese Women's ONLINE (Hybrid)

Flying Geese Women's ONLINE (Hybrid)

May 1, 2021

Format: AA Closed Women's Group
AA Group #637908

Hybrid Meeting in-person and online using Zoom (updated 3/31/2021)

Meeting ID 883 1516 2949 password 327674
Phone/Dial In Number:

This is an HYBRID meeting online and in-person at the same time. Please check with the meeting host to find out the status on in-person meetings.  Initially, while Stay-At-Home Order was in effect for prevention of spreading COVID19, the Alano Club Of Crystal Lake building was closed and meetings were being conducted ONLINE ONLY, now the order has been revised and in-person meetings are allowed to occur following guidelines for safety.

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 1516 2949 - Password: 327674
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

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I'm the person that tries to keep this here website in order - I don't have much more control over this than anything else in my life, so don't freak out if you find any mistakes!